Bashar Subh

Web Developer

Front-End Developer

WordPress Developer


Bashar Subh
Bashar Subh
Bashar Subh
Bashar Subh

Web Developer

Front-End Developer

WordPress Developer


Contacts Management Application

See Demo

React Contacts Management Application

This is a contacts management application built using React. It allows users to create, update, and delete contacts, as well as view contact details. The application uses React Router for navigation and communicates with a backend API to perform CRUD operations on contacts.


  • User authentication and authorization: Users can register, login, and authenticate using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for protected routes.
  • Contacts management: Users can create new contacts, view contact details, update existing contacts, and delete contacts.
  • Search and sorting: Contacts can be searched by name and sorted by name or date.
  • Responsive design: The application is designed to work seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes.

Technologies Used

  • React
  • React Router
  • Axios (HTTP client)
  • Node.js (backend API) previous Node.js project i made. You can find the project Server on my GitHub: GitHub Repository
  • Express.js (backend framework)

GitHub – BasharSubh/React-ContactsManager